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Osterley Park & House

The model is designed for the exhibition on contribution of Robert Adam, a British architect, on Osterley Park and House, as a visual form of the gallery space. The main idea of showing a design transformation of the house is demonstrated through textile installation where each set of colours represents one of the primary rooms created by Adam according to historical chronology. The designed space provides interactive communication through textile installation as well as tangible user experience through printing material which abstract illustrations replicate thread weaving. Being a blank canvas for the artist, rooms require a foundation which is almost inconspicuous for a spatial perception, whereas Robert Adam transfigures a new identity and voice using diverse colour combinations that constitutes him as a major figure in the development of classical architecture. 


Being a supportive material in the space, postcards are designed in accordance to the architecture of the rooms. Abstract compositions of colours and geometry capture classical ensemble of Adam style including arrangement of furniture and colour of the walls in novel ways. A front side symbolises a room as a blank canvas before the influence of Robert Adam while the back side illustrates after.

Moquette and 3D Model

Postcards, 148 x 210 mm

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